
DaniTellini's avatar
Published Dec 10, 2024
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torch.nn.Dropout is a regularization technique in PyTorch used to prevent overfitting during neural network training. It works by randomly setting a fraction of input units to zero during each forward pass, reducing the model’s reliance on specific neurons and encouraging it to generalize better.

Dropout is only applied during training and is automatically disabled during evaluation.


The syntax for applying dropout in PyTorch is:

torch.nn.Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False)
  • p: The probability of dropping a unit (default is 0.5, meaning 50% dropout). A higher value increases regularization but may reduce model capacity.
  • inplace: If set to True, the operation is performed in-place, meaning the dropout will modify the input tensor directly rather than creating a new one. The default value is False.

This returns a module that applies dropout to the input tensor.


Here’s an example of using nn.Dropout in a neural network:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
# Define a tensor
inputs = torch.randn(3, 5)
# Apply dropout with 50% probability
dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.5)
# Forward pass
outputs = dropout(inputs)
print("Input Tensor:")
print("\nOutput Tensor with Dropout Applied:")

Here is an example output:

Input Tensor:
tensor([[ 0.3369, -1.0319, 1.3535, -0.4457, -0.2493],
[ 0.3731, 1.0746, -0.5612, -1.2638, -0.0648],
[ 0.9374, -0.2997, -1.1414, 0.4212, 0.7359]])
Output Tensor with Dropout Applied:
tensor([[ 0.6738, -0.0000, 2.7070, -0.8914, -0.4986],
[ 0.7462, 2.1492, -0.0000, -2.5275, -0.1297],
[ 0.0000, -0.5994, -2.2827, 0.8423, 1.4718]])

Note: The output will change each time because dropout sets a fraction of the input values to zero randomly during each forward pass, introducing variability in the results.

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