
MamtaWardhani's avatar
Published Dec 16, 2024
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In PyTorch, .index_reduce_() performs an in-place reduction operation (such as sum, product, or mean) on a tensor along a specified dimension. It uses an index tensor to map input elements to positions in the output tensor, effectively aggregating values with the same index.


Tensor.index_reduce_(dim, index, source, reduce, *, include_self=True)
  • dim: The axis of the tensor along which the reduction is performed.
  • index: A 1D tensor containing indices that map the elements in the source tensor to specific positions in the current tensor.
  • source: The tensor whose values are reduced and added to the current tensor at positions specified by index.
  • reduce: Specifies the reduction operation to apply. Possible values include:
    • 'prod': Product of elements with the same index.
    • 'mean': Mean of elements with the same index.
    • 'amax': Maximum of elements with the same index.
    • 'amin': Minimum of elements with the same index.
  • include_self (Optional): Determines whether the existing values in the current tensor are included in the reduction operation.
    • If True, the values already present in the tensor are included. If no value is provided for the parameter, include_self defaults to True.
    • If False, only the source tensor values contribute to the reduction.


The following example demonstrates the usage of the .index_reduce() method:

import torch
# Define the target tensor
target = torch.zeros(2)
# Source tensor
source = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
# Indices mapping source to target
index = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0, 1], dtype=torch.long) # Ensure index tensor is of type 'long'
# Perform in-place reduction using 'mean' along the 0th dimension (rows)
target.index_reduce_(dim=0, index=index, source=source, reduce='mean')

The above code produces the following output:

tensor([1.3333, 2.0000])

This code reduces the source tensor along dimension 0 by averaging ('mean' reduce) the values mapped to the same indices in the index tensor, updating the target tensor in place.

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