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Published Dec 19, 2024
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In Pytorch, .movedim() is used to move specific dimensions of the input tensor to a specified positions, while the other dimensions that are not explicitly mentioned remain in their original order.


torch.movedim(input, source, destination)
  • input: The input tensor whose dimensions are to be rearranged.
  • source: The dimensions to be moved. Can be a single integer or a tuple of integers.
  • destination: The target positions for the dimensions specified in source. It should have the same length as source.


The following example demonstrates the use of .movedim():

import torch
# Define a 1D tensor
a = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3, -8]])
# Define a 2D tensor
b = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3, -8],
[4, 3, 8, 0],
[-1, 7, 6, 3],
[5, 6, 9, 0]])
# Define a 3D tensor
c = torch.randn(2, 2, 3)
# Define a 4D tensor
d = torch.randn(2, 3, 2, 3)
# Move dimension 0 to dimension 1 for 1D tensor
a1 = torch.movedim(a, 0, 1)
print("One Dimensional tensor:")
# Move dimension 0 to dimension 1 for 2D tensor
b1 = torch.movedim(b, 0, 1)
print("Two Dimensional tensor:")
# Move dimension 0 to dimension 1 for 3D tensor
c1 = torch.movedim(c, 0, 1)
print("Three Dimensional tensor (Dim 1):")
# Move dimension 0 to dimension 2 for 3D tensor
c2 = torch.movedim(c, 0, 2)
print("Three Dimensional tensor (Dim 2):")
# Move dimensions [0, 1] to positions [2, 3] for 4D tensor
d1 = torch.movedim(d, [0, 1], [2, 3])
print("Four Dimensional tensor:")

This example will generate the following output:

One Dimensional tensor:
tensor([[ 1],
[ 2],
[ 3],
Two Dimensional tensor:
tensor([[ 1, 4, -1, 5],
[ 2, 3, 7, 6],
[ 3, 8, 6, 9],
[-8, 0, 3, 0]])
Three Dimensional tensor (Dim 1):
tensor([[[ 1.0064, -1.2284, -1.1452],
[-0.9374, 1.2943, -1.7862]],
[[ 0.4316, 3.1050, -0.4264],
[-0.9219, 1.6863, -0.3411]]])
Three Dimensional tensor (Dim 2):
tensor([[[ 1.0064, -0.9374],
[-1.2284, 1.2943],
[-1.1452, -1.7862]],
[[ 0.4316, -0.9219],
[ 3.1050, 1.6863],
[-0.4264, -0.3411]]])
Four Dimensional tensor:
tensor([[[[ 0.0753, 1.5373, 0.0765],
[-3.1675, 0.2926, 0.5799]],
[[-0.1520, -0.4855, 1.9026],
[-1.6107, 0.5367, -0.3401]],
[[-0.9148, -0.6213, 0.5939],
[-0.6407, -1.0397, -0.7044]]],
[[[ 0.3897, 0.6399, 1.0818],
[ 0.7111, -1.3950, -1.3415]],
[[-0.3749, 2.3008, -0.2464],
[ 1.4121, -0.3554, -0.5184]],
[[-0.3224, -0.9296, 0.1633],
[-0.2641, 0.8230, 0.1766]]]])

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