
mega2905104282's avatar
Published Aug 22, 2024
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The .randn() function in PyTorch generates a tensor with random numbers drawn from a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. This function is particularly useful for initializing weights in neural networks and for other purposes requiring randomized data, especially in machine learning applications.


torch.randn(*size, out=None, dtype=None, layout=torch.strided, device=None, requires_grad=False)
  • *size: Specifies the shape of the output tensor. This can be one or more integers, defining the dimensions of the tensor.
  • out (optional): A tensor where the result will be stored. If specified, the output is stored in this tensor; otherwise, a new tensor is created.
  • dtype (optional): The desired data type of the returned tensor.
  • layout (optional): The desired layout of the returned tensor. The default is torch.strided.
  • device (optional): The device on which the tensor is allocated.
  • requires_grad (optional): If set to True, PyTorch will track operations on the tensor for automatic differentiation. Defaults to False.


The following example uses .randn() to create a 4x4 tensor with random values from a normal distribution:

import torch
tensor = torch.randn(4, 4)

This produces the following output:

tensor([[-0.7484, 1.2086, 0.3430, 0.6699],
[ 0.7022, 0.0815, 0.4855, 0.1603],
[-0.1214, 0.2484, 1.5672, -0.7005],
[ 1.3106, -0.6518, 0.7351, -0.1027]])

Note: This code will generate a different random output each time it is run, as .randn() produces random values from a normal distribution.

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