Data Types

StevenSwiniarski's avatar
Published Jan 9, 2022
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R supports many data types, each with different uses and characteristics. Variables can hold different data types, and are not limited to storing the data type they were initially assigned.

# This is legal in R
# Assign an integer data type
var1 <- 1L
# Assign a string data type
var1 <- "Hello world!"

R supports the following basic data types:

  • The numeric type for whole numbers or decimals. (5.12, 16)
  • The integer type for whole numbers followed by an L. (100L)
  • The complex type for numbers with an imaginary part, denoted by an i. (5 + 7i)
  • The character type for strings of characters. (“Hello World!”)
  • The logical for Boolean values. (TRUE or FALSE)

The class() function can be used to determine the data type of a variable.

x <- 3 + 2i
class(x) # Output: "complex"
x <- 100
class(x) # Output: "numeric"
x <- 100L
class(x) # Output: "integer"

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