
christian.dinh's avatar
Published Jul 27, 2021Updated Sep 9, 2021
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A string is a sequence of one or more characters that represents a word or a sentence. It may contain letters, numbers, or symbols. They are created by surrounding a sequence of characters with single or double quotes. Strings are mutable, which means that they can be changed.

Creating Strings

A string can be created by using the " (double quotes) or ' (single quotes) around a sequence of characters.

puts 'String created using single quotes.'
puts "String created using double quotes."
# Output: String created using single quotes.
# Output: String created using double quotes.

String Interpolation

Double quotes allow variable interpolation. This means that you can use a variable inside a string.

favorite_color = "blue"
puts "My favorite color is #{favorite_color}."
# Output: My favorite color is blue.
favorite_color = "blue"
puts 'Cannot interpolate #{favorite_color} with single quotes.'
# Output: Cannot interpolate #{favorite_color} with single quotes.

Strings are Objects

Strings are objects. They have methods that can be invoked on them.

greeting = "Hello, neighbor"
greeting_shout = greeting.upcase
puts greeting_shout

Accessing Elements within a String

Square brackets ([]) can be used to access elements within a string by passing in indexes or ranges.

# access element at index 3
greeting = "Hello, world!"
puts greeting[3]
# Output: l
# access element at the end of string with negative index
greeting = "Hello, world!"
puts greeting[-1]
# Output: !
# access a range of elements
greeting = "Hello, world!"
first_word = greeting[0..4]
puts first_word
# Output: Hello
# two comma separated values will indicate the starting index and the number of elements to be accessed
greeting = "Hello, world!"
second_word = greeting[7, 5]
puts second_word
# Output: world

Multi-line Strings

Multi-line strings can be created by using ", %//, and <<STRING STRING syntax.

puts "First string"
# Multi-line with `""`
puts ""
# Multi-line with `%//`
puts %/Second string/
# Multi-line with `<<STRING STRING`
puts <<STRING
In Ruby, a user can create the multiline
strings easily where into other programming
languages creating multiline strings
requires a lot of efforts

The output would be:

First string

Second string

Third string

String Replication

Replicating a string is done with the * operator. The operator is preceded by the string to be replicated and followed by the number of times to replicate the string.

tongue_twister = "Sally sells seashells by the seashore "
puts tongue_twister * 5

The output would be:

Sally sells seashells by the seashore Sally sells seashells by the seashore Sally sells seashells by the seashore Sally sells seashells by the seashore


Returns the number of characters in a string.

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