Curve Fit

ca999's avatar
Published Jan 21, 2025
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curve_fit() fits a custom function to data by adjusting its parameters to minimize the difference between the function’s predictions and the actual data points, ensuring the best possible match.


popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, xdata, ydata, p0=None, sigma=None, absolute_sigma=False, check_finite=None, bounds=(-inf, inf), method=None, jac=None, *, full_output=False, nan_policy=None, **kwargs)
  • f: This is the function to fit to the data.
  • xdata: An array-like input representing the independent variable values (e.g., time, x-coordinates, etc.).
  • ydata: An array-like input representing the dependent variable values (e.g., measured data corresponding to xdata).
  • p0: Initial guess of the parameters.
  • sigma: Defines the uncertainty in ydata.
  • absolute_sigma: If True, sigma is interpreted absolutely, and the parameter covariance pcov reflects absolute values. If False which is the default, sigma is scaled to normalize residual variance. Here, pcov(absolute_sigma=False) = pcov(absolute_sigma=True) * chisq(popt)/(M-N).
  • check_finite: Ensures input arrays do not contain NaN or inf. If True, a ValueError is raised when such values are found. Defaults to True unless nan_policy is explicitly specified.
  • bounds: Specifies parameter bounds. Defaults to no bounds. Options include:
    • An instance of the Bounds class.
    • A 2-tuple of array-like objects or scalars: Scalars apply bounds uniformly, and np.inf can disable bounds partially.
  • method - Optimization method. Choices are:
    • 'lm' (default for unconstrained problems): Levenberg-Marquardt.
    • 'trf' (default if bounds are set): Trust Region Reflective.
    • 'dogbox': Dogleg. 'lm' cannot handle cases where observations < variables. Use 'trf' or 'dogbox' instead.
  • jac: Jacobian matrix computation for jac(x, ...). Defaults to numerical estimation if None. Supports finite difference schemes for 'trf' and 'dogbox' methods.
  • full_output: If True, returns additional information such as infodict, mesg, ier.
  • nan_policy: Decides behavior when NaN values exist in input data:
    • None (default): No special handling; behavior depends on implementation.
    • 'raise': Throws an error.
    • 'omit': Ignores NaN values during computation.
  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to leastsq (if method = ‘lm’) or least_squares otherwise.

It returns:

  • popt: A 1D array containing the optimal values of the parameters (a, b, c, etc.) that minimize the difference between the function and the data (ydata).
  • pcov: A 2D array representing the covariance matrix of the estimated parameters, which provides an estimate of the uncertainties (or standard errors) associated with the optimized parameters.


This code uses curve_fit to fit a custom exponential decay function to noisy data and estimates the parameters a, b, and c:

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# Define your custom function
def func(x, a, b, c):
return a * np.exp(-b * x) + c
# Define your data
xdata = np.linspace(0, 4, 50)
y = func(xdata, 2.5, 1.3, 0.5)
rng = np.random.default_rng()
y_noise = 0.2 * rng.normal(size=xdata.size)
ydata = y + y_noise
# Fit for the parameters a, b, c of the function func:
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, xdata, ydata)

The above will give the following output:

[2.47681145 1.32375703 0.53063146]

Note: Since we are using np.random() for rng variable the output is expected to change for each run.

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