Nearest Neighbors

MamtaWardhani's avatar
Published Nov 28, 2024
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In Scikit-learn, Nearest Neighbors is an essential algorithm for finding the closest data points in a dataset based on a defined distance metric. It supports tasks like classification, regression, and clustering by calculating similarities between data points. The algorithm is easy to implement and highly adaptable, making it a go-to choice for various machine learning applications.

Sklearn’s implementation offers several optimization techniques, including ball_tree and kd_tree, to enhance performance, especially for large datasets. Users can customize parameters like n_neighbors, metric, and algorithm to fine-tune the model for specific use cases. This versatility makes Nearest Neighbors particularly valuable in recommendation systems, anomaly detection, and exploratory data analysis.


from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='auto', metric='minkowski', p=2)
  • n_neighbors: The number of nearest neighbors to find for each data point.
  • algorithm: Algorithm used to compute the nearest neighbors.
    • 'auto': Automatically selects the best algorithm.
    • 'ball_tree': Uses a Ball Tree structure.
    • 'kd_tree': Uses a KD Tree structure.
    • 'brute': Performs brute-force search.
  • metric: The distance metric to use.
    • 'euclidean': Standard Euclidean distance.
    • 'manhattan': Manhattan (L1) distance.
    • 'minkowski': Generalized Minkowski distance (requires p).
  • p: Power parameter for the Minkowski metric.
    • p=1: Equivalent to Manhattan distance.
    • p=2: Equivalent to Euclidean distance.


The following example uses Sklearn’s NearestNeighbors to find and display the indices and distances of the 2 nearest neighbors for each data point in a sample dataset:

from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import numpy as np
# Sample dataset: Each row represents a data point
X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
# Initialize the Nearest Neighbors model
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=2, algorithm='auto')
# Fit the model with the data
# Query the Nearest Neighbors for the given dataset
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(X)
# Output the results
print("Indices of Nearest Neighbors:")
print(indices) # Indices of the closest neighbors in the dataset
print("\nDistances to Nearest Neighbors:")
print(distances) # Corresponding distances to those neighbors

The code above produces the following possible output:

Indices of Nearest Neighbors:
[[0 1 2]
[1 0 2]
[2 1 3]
[3 2 1]]
Distances to Nearest Neighbors:
[[0. 4.24264069 7.81024968]
[0. 4.24264069 3.60555128]
[0. 4.24264069 3.16227766]
[0. 4.24264069 3.60555128]]

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