andersooi's avatar
Published Jul 25, 2024
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In SQL, the IF statement allows for conditional logic to be applied within SQL queries. It evaluates a condition and returns a value if the condition is true and another value if the condition is false.


IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)
  • condition: The condition to be evaluated.
  • value_if_true: The value to be returned if the condition is true.
  • value_if_false: The value to be returned if the condition is false.


The following example demonstrates the use of the IF function to label stock prices as High or Low:

# Create a table named 'stocks'
CREATE TABLE stocks (company VARCHAR(30), price DECIMAL(8, 2));
# Insert some stocks into the table
INSERT INTO stocks (company, price) VALUES
('Amazon', 589.45),
('Microsoft', 398.23),
('Nvidia', 1237.78),
('Tesla', 1089.25);
# Use the IF statement to categorize stock prices
SELECT company, price, IF(price > 500, 'High', 'Low') AS price_category FROM stocks;

The output of the SELECT statement will be:

company price price_category
Amazon 589.45 High
Microsoft 398.23 Low
Nvidia 1237.78 High
Tesla 1089.25 High

The IF function checks if the price of the stock is greater than 500. If true, it assigns High to the price_category. Otherwise, it assigns Low.

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