Primary Keys

christian.dinh's avatar
Published Aug 4, 2021Updated Mar 20, 2023
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Primary keys are special columns that are used to uniquely identify each row of a table in SQL.


CREATE TABLE table_key (
  column_1 TEXT,
  column_2 INTEGER

The PRIMARY KEY constraint is used to create columns that uniquely identify each row. A primary key column has a few requirements:

  • None of the values can be NULL.
  • Each value must be unique (e.g., two rows in a customers table wouldn’t have the same primary customer_id).
  • A table cannot have more than one primary key.

Attempts to insert a row with an existing primary key will result in a constraint violation that prevents the new row from being added.

If a table was created without a primary key, it can be added with the ALTER TABLE command. The statement below adds a primary id column, via the PRIMARY KEY constraint, to table_name:

ALTER TABLE table_name

Foreign Keys

When the primary key for one table appears in a different table, it is called a foreign key. The most common types of joins will be joining a foreign key from one table with the primary key from another table.

Using the following customers table as an example:

CREATE TABLE customers (
customer_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
first_name varchar(255),
last_name varchar(255)

The orders table is created and joined via FOREIGN KEY with the existing customer table through its customer_id:

total_cost FLOAT,
purchase_date DATE,
customer_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (order_id),
FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(customer_id)

The displayed orders table, with its primary key (order_id) and foreign key (customer_id), may look like this:

order_id customer_id total_cost purchase_date
1 1001 13.99 2022-01-01
2 1294 61.42 2022-01-01
3 1001 23.45 2022-01-02

Composite Keys

Sometimes, having one primary key per table is not enough to uniquely identify a row. In such cases, multiple columns would work as composite keys for the table. This requirement should be detected during the designing phase of a database.

For example, a database of car parts will have to uniquely identify a row of parts. Either the engine_ID or body_ID could be used. However, this may create ambiguity as cars could get their engines swapped.

Depending on local regulations, a car may require an engine part ID and a body ID to be associated with a license plate. One solution might be adding more row information about the car, such as left_door_ID, gearbox_ID, etc. But then a specific car would have to be identified by two different aspects: its body and its engine.

A composite key would be useful in this case. This is how a vehicle_registry table might look (extra parts/columns omitted for brevity):

engine_id body_id gearbox_id purchase_date
500 abc 001 2022-01-01
600 def 002 2022-01-01
700 ghi 003 2022-01-02

The statement below creates the vehicle_registry table with a composite key:

CREATE TABLE vehicle_registry (
engine_id INTEGER,
body_id TEXT,
gearbox_id INTEGER,
purchase_date DATE,
PRIMARY KEY(engine_id, body_id, purchase_date)

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