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Published Apr 21, 2023Updated May 15, 2024
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The LAG() window function facilitates access to previous rows based on the offset argument. It can be particularly useful when a comparison of a previous value is necessary without the use of a self join. There is a similarity to the LEAD() function with the difference being the accessible rows. LEAD() accesses subsequent rows while LAG() accesses previous rows.


LAG (expression [, offset] [, default])
OVER ( [ partition_by ] order_by )

LAG() accepts the following parameters:

  • expression - The column value which will be referenced.
  • offset - A positive numeric indicator of the previous row to access that is relative to the current row. If not specified the default is 1.
  • default - The value that will be returned if the offset is out of range. This is an optional argument, if not specified NULL will be returned.
  • partition_by - Allows the result set to be grouped based on a column. This is an optional argument, if not specified the result set will be treated as a single group.
  • order_by - Determines the order of the result set. If partition_by is specified, it will order the grouped data instead.


The example below uses the LAG() function to create the new column previous_age based on values in the previous row of the Users table.

Users Table

first_name last_name age
chris smith 30
dave james 19
jenna black 35
kyle xy 60
LAG(age, 1) OVER (
ORDER BY age ASC) AS previous_age
FROM Users;

The output is a table that features a new column previous_age, which holds the values from the previous records. The first record is null because a default was not specified and the previous row would be out of range.


first_name last_name age previous_age
kyle xy 60 null
jenna black 35 60
chris smith 30 35
dave james 19 30

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