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Published Oct 24, 2022
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The .reduce() method loops or iterates over every item in a sequence, combines them into one value using a specified closure, and returns the combined result.


arrayName.reduce(initialValue, closure)

The .reduce() method takes two arguments:

  • initialValue stores the initial value or result returned by the closure from each iteration.
  • closure takes 2 arguments. The first one is the result from previous execution of the closure, and the second one is next item in the collection.

Note: If the array has no elements, the initalValue is returned.


var values = [2,3,4,5]
let sum = values.reduce(0, { x, y in x + y })

In the example above, 0 is the initial value. x holds the result of the previous execution and y is the next item in the array. The closure performs an addition operation and returns the sum of all elements in the values array. This will output:


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