
Christine_Yang's avatar
Published Feb 19, 2022Updated Oct 11, 2022
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In Swift, an enumeration (enum) is a collection of set values that can be referenced throughout a program.


enum MyEnum {
  Enumeration cases go here

To access specific cases in MyEnum, the dot operator . is used, following the case name:


Creating an enum and Examples

enum cases can be defined on separate lines:

enum Level {
case beginner
case intermediate
case advanced

enum cases can also be written in a single line for simplicity:

enum Level {
case beginner, intermediate, advanced

Raw Value

Raw values can be added for each case if a raw type is defined after the enum name and trailing colon :.

enum Bishop: String {
case novice = "Beginner"
case firstJob = "Magician"
case secondJob = "Cleric"
case thirdJob = "Priest"

The example above displays an enum, named Bishop, with a raw type of String and cases assigned to their respective raw values.

Associated Value

Associated values can be added to available cases.

enum MageAdvancementTree {
case novice
case firstJob(String)
case secondJob(wizard: String)
case thirdJob(mage: String)
case fourthJob(arch: String)
var bishop = MageAdvancementTree.thirdJob(mage: "Priest")
// Output: thirdJob(mage: "Priest")

An enum named MageAdvancementTree is created and most of its cases have associated values. Then, a bishop variable is declared as a MageAdvancementTree and sets the mage to a string, "Priest".

Accessing an enum and Examples

An enumeration can be accessed with the dot . syntax.

enum MageAdvancementTree {
case novice, firstJob, secondJob, thirdJob, fourthJob
var bishop = MageAdvancementTree.thirdJob
bishop = .fourthJob
// Output: fourthJob

When a variable is declared and set to an enumeration, it can be re-assigned to a different case value with the shortened dot syntax shown above.

Switch Case

A switch statement is another way to access values within an enumeration. In the example below, the bishop variable will be evaluated to match case .fourthJob because it was previously set to the fourthJob value. Access to the values in enum MageAdvancementTree is possible because bishop is already set to it.

switch bishop {
case .novice:
case .firstJob:
case .secondJob:
case .thirdJob:
case .fourthJob:
// Output: Bishop


In the snippet below, MageAdvancementTree adopts the CaseIterable protocol which gives access to the allCases property. Using a for...in loop, each value within the enumeration can be accessed:

enum MageAdvancementTree: String, CaseIterable {
case novice = "Beginner"
case firstJob = "Magician"
case secondJob = "Cleric"
case thirdJob = "Priest"
case fourthJob = "Bishop"
for job in MageAdvancementTree.allCases {

This would output the raw values in MageAdvancementTree:


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