
illiaBerezovskyi1221609261's avatar
Published Oct 26, 2023
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CodingKey is an extension to the Swift model when parsing a JSON data object into a Swift object. It allows for mapping JSON keys into different properties of a Swift object.

Note: JSON and Swift have different naming conventions (JSON uses snake_case for its key identifiers, while Swift uses camelCase for its property identifiers).


This protocol will work when a defined Swift object conforms to the Codable, Decodable and Encodable protocols. The former protocol is responsible for both encoding the Swift object data into JSON format, and decoding the JSON object into the Swift model, implementing both Encodable and Decodable protocols at the same time.

struct myStruct: Codable {
  let propertyOne: DataType
  let propertyTwo: DataType

  enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case
    keyOne = "key_one",
    keyTwo = "key_two"

The simple pseudo-code above demonstrates the usage of an enumerator CodingKeys, its cases of which refer to the keys of a given JSON object. It also specifies:

  1. The raw value type of the keys (it’s a String because all JSON keys are of a String type only).
  2. The CodingKey protocol to which the enumerator has to conform in order to map the JSON keys with the properties of the Swift object.

Syntax example with the Codable protocol

Below is an example of a Swift struct called Exercises. As it conforms to the Codable protocol, the model implements both encoding and decoding methods thanks to the CodingKeys enumerator that conforms to the CodingKey protocol and the relevant initializers defined.

import Foundation
struct Exercises: Codable {
let name: String
let repsNeeded: Int
var durationMin: Int
var durationSec: Int
// The CodingKeys enum below defines JSON keys.
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case name
case repsNeeded = "reps_needed"
case durationTime = "duration_time"
// The computed property will calculate the two Exercises' properties and store the result into the "duration_time" JSON key later.
var durationInSeconds: Int {
return (durationMin * 60) + durationSec
// This method is essential for the encoding to happen.
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(name, forKey: .name)
try container.encode(repsNeeded, forKey: .repsNeeded)
try container.encode(durationInSeconds, forKey: .durationTime)
// This initializer enables the creation and, later on, storing of the given struct's instance.
init(name: String, repsNeeded: Int, durationMin: Int, durationSec: Int) { = name
self.repsNeeded = repsNeeded
self.durationMin = durationMin
self.durationSec = durationSec
// The initializer below enables the decoding functionality (all stored properties should be initialized).
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
name = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)
repsNeeded = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .repsNeeded)
durationSec = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .durationTime)
// As durationMin and durationSec are declared as variables, their values will remain different upon the decoding or encoding process.
durationMin = durationSec / 60
durationSec = durationSec % 60
// The struct instance is created and then encoded into JSON data
let exercise = Exercises(name: "Squats", repsNeeded: 30, durationMin: 1, durationSec: 15)
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let exercisesJSON = try encoder.encode(exercise)
/* The JSON data that is instantiated will be parsed into the String type.
The defined 'exerciseJSONString' constant is force-unwrapped because in this example, its value indeed exists and is valid) */
let exercisesJSONString = String(data: exercisesJSON, encoding: .utf8)!
/* JSON decoder is defined and then implemented on the JSON object string.
The 'decodedExercise' constant stores the force-unwrapped optional value as the data is valid */
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let decodedExercise = try! decoder.decode(Exercises.self, from: exercisesJSON)

The above code snippet implements both the encoding and decoding logic thanks to the Codable protocol, and the CodingKeys enumerator ensures that the JSON keys are mapped correctly to the Swift model’s properties.

The output in the terminal should produce the following:

Exercises(name: "Squats", repsNeeded: 30, durationMin: 1, durationSec: 15)

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