
Christine_Yang's avatar
Published Aug 4, 2021Updated Oct 11, 2022
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The switch statement is a type of conditional used to check the value of an expression against multiple cases.

A case executes when it matches the value of the expression. When there are no matches between the case statements and the expression, the default statement executes.

var secondaryColor = "green"
switch secondaryColor {
case "orange":
print("Mix of red and yellow.")
case "green":
print("Mix of blue and yellow.")
case "purple":
print("Mix of red and blue.")
print("This might not be a secondary color.")
// Output: Mix of blue and yellow.

Interval Matching

Intervals within a switch statement’s case provide a range of values that are checked against an expression.

let year = 1905
var artPeriod: String
switch year {
case 1860...1885:
artPeriod = "Impressionism"
case 1886...1910:
artPeriod = "Post Impressionism"
case 1912...1935:
artPeriod = "Expressionism"
artPeriod = "Unknown"
// Output: Post Impressionism

Compound Cases

A compound case within a switch statement is a single case that contains multiple values. These values are all checked against the switch statement’s expression and are separated by commas.

let service = "Seamless"
switch service {
case "Uber", "Lyft":
case "DoorDash", "Seamless", "GrubHub":
print("Restaurant delivery")
case "Instacart", "FreshDirect":
print("Grocery delivery")
print("Unknown service")
// Output: Restaurant delivery

Where Clause

Within a switch statement, a where clause is used to test additional conditions against an expression.

let num = 7
switch num {
case let x where x % 2 == 0:
print("\(num) is even.")
case let x where x % 2 == 1:
print("\(num) is odd.")
print("\(num) is invalid.")
// Output: 7 is odd.

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