
THE-Spellchecker's avatar
Published Oct 27, 2023Updated May 15, 2024
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Slider is a structure that creates an interface with a sliding controller, enabling users to choose from a range of values.

A Slider instance can be customized so that the value changes by a specific step amount within its range. It’s also possible to add minimum and maximum labels and track when the slider is being edited.


To create a Slider instance, pass a bound variable to the required parameter, value. This means that the bound variable will update when the slider is changed. The syntax is as follows:

Slider(value: bound variable)

Note: Bound variables are prefixed with $ in SwiftUI.

Optional Parameters

The syntax below includes the optional parameters available for a Slider instance:

  value: bound variable,
  in: range,
  step: step amount,
  onEditingChanged: { _ in
    // Code to execute when the slider starts or stops being edited.
  minimumValueLabel: minimum value label,
  maximumValueLabel: maximum value label,
  label: { slider label }

The optional parameters include:

  • in specifies the range of values and defaults to 0...1 if omitted.
  • step specifies a step amount for the value to increment by.
  • onEditingChanged takes a callback closure that sets its boolean parameter to true if the slider is being edited, or to false if not.
  • minimumValueLabel is a view that displays the minimum value.
  • maximumValueLabel is a view that displays the maximum value.
  • label is a view or label describing the slider and although not shown by all slider styles, is used for accessibility.


The following example code will display a gray circle that can be overlaid with a mint-colored circle using the slider above it:

import SwiftUI
struct SliderView: View {
@State private var circleWidth: Double = 0
@State private var isEditing = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
value: $circleWidth,
in: 0...300,
step: 10,
onEditingChanged: { editing in
isEditing = editing
minimumValueLabel: Text("0"),
maximumValueLabel: Text("300"),
label: { Text("Circle Width") }
ZStack {
.frame(width: 300)
.fill(isEditing ? .purple : .mint)
.frame(width: circleWidth)

A circleWidth variable is declared and bound to a Slider instance inside a VStack. The slider has a range between 0 and 300, and a step increment of 10. The onEditingChanged callback updates the boolean isEditing variable to true when the slider is in use and to false when not in use.

The slider line color is specified by applying the .tint(.mint) view modifier.

Below the Slider is a ZStack containing a 300-point wide Circle filled with a slightly opaque gray color.

Layered above the gray Circle is another Circle that has its width determined by circleWidth, it is purple while the user is editing the slider, and mint otherwise.

Below the ZStack is a text view that shows the value of circleWidth in real-time as the slider value changes.

This code will display:

SwiftUI Slider

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