
mattogtong's avatar
Published Mar 19, 2023Updated Jul 31, 2023
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The .border() view modifier in SwiftUI can be used to add a border to a view. The border can be customized with a specified style and width.


    .border(content, width: CGFloat)

This view modifier can be applied to any type of View, including Text, Image, and any type of layout such as VStack, HStack, and ZStack.

It can accept the following parameters:

  • content: A required value that sets the color and style of the border which needs to conform to the ShapeStyle protocol, like a Color or HierarchicalShapeStyle.
  • width: This optional value determines the width of the border and defaults to 1.

Note: The .border() modifier had a cornerRadius parameter which has since been deprecated. If rounding the corners of the border is needed, the .overlay() modifier and a RoundedRectangle() with a cornerRadius value can be used instead.


var body: some View {
Text("This view has a blue border.")
.border(.blue, width: 4)

In the above example, a text view displays the text "This view has a blue border." with some padding. The .border() modifier is then applied to the view, which adds a border around it.

In the example, a blue border is specified with a width of 4 points. However, these values can be customized as needed to achieve the desired look for an app.

This will display:

SwiftUI ViewModifier Border

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