A Button
view is a struct
that can be interacted with and used to perform an action when pressed on. It can be customized using various modifiers provided by the SwiftUI framework.
There are many ways to construct a button in SwiftUI:
Button("label") {
// Some action
// Label details can be provided after action:
Button {
// Some action
} label: {
// Some label
action: { // Initiates when the button is pressed },
label: { // Displays some image, text, or both on the button }
To create a button, an action and a label are required. The action
expects a closure or a method that it will execute when the button is pressed. The label
expects a closure or a view, which can be an image, text, or both.
When creating a button, the label
property can be left out and its details can be provided in a separate closure after the button call. This provides more flexibility for customizing the button’s appearance.
The following example demonstrates the use of a Button
. Pressing the button will randomly change the colors of the screen and the button itself:
struct ContentView: View {@State var backgroundColor = Color(red: 0.69, green: 0.96, blue: 1.0)@State var buttonColor = Color(red: 0.82, green: 0.34, blue: 0.45)var body: some View {ZStack {backgroundColor.ignoresSafeArea()VStack {Button(action: { randomizeColors() }, // Action to randomize the colors when the button is pressedlabel: {Text("Press This") // The label text of the button.font(.title).fontWeight(.semibold).foregroundColor(.white).padding().padding(.horizontal, 20).background(buttonColor.cornerRadius(30).shadow(radius: 5))})}}}func randomizeColors() -> Void {backgroundColor = Color(red: Double.random(in: 0...1),green: Double.random(in: 0...1),blue: Double.random(in: 0...1))buttonColor = Color(red: Double.random(in: 0...1),green: Double.random(in: 0...1),blue: Double.random(in: 0...1))}}
Pressing the button triggers the .randomizeColors()
method, which generates random RGB values for the .backgroundColor
and .buttonColor
The following will be displayed:
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