
cilippofilia's avatar
Published Dec 14, 2022
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The List view arranges its elements into a column. It can be either static, when hard-coding the data into the list, or dynamic, when the data is pulled from an array.


var body: some View {
    List {
        Subviews here


In the example below, a List pulls the data from the continents array, and then displays them into a single column:

var continents = ["Africa", "Antartica", "Asia", "Europe", "North America", "Oceania", "South America"]
var body: some View {
List(continents, id: \.self) {
  • id: \.self allows Swift to identify each of the items uniquely in order to update the values when changed.
  • $0 is a shorthand syntax used to reference the first argument in a closure.

This will display the following:


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