
garanews's avatar
Published Aug 23, 2021Updated Oct 11, 2022
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In TypeScript, generics are used to assign multiple types to a function or variable without the value losing that specific type information upon return. The any keyword is similar in that it accommodates any and all types. However, it will not retain specific type information.


Generics are defined with < > brackets surrounding name(s) of the generic type(s), like Array<T> or Map<Key, Value>.

interface MyType<GenericValue> {
  value: GenericValue;

let myVar: MyType<string> = { value: 'Hello, World!' };

Generic types can be used with the following:

Example of Using Generics

In the following snippet, Box<Value> is a generic interface that with a generic Value type within. Next, two variables, numberBox and stringBox, are explicitly declared to be of type Box<number> and Box<string>, respectively:

interface Box<Value> {
value: Value;
let numberBox: Box<number> = { value: 7 };
let stringBox: Box<string> = { value: 'Marathon' };

Inferring Generic Types

Generics can be inferred from usage when not explicitly provided.

Here, logAndReturnValue<Value> is inferred first to have a generic Value of type Date:

function logAndReturnValue<Value>(value: Value): Value {
return value;
const result = logAndReturnValue(new Date('2021-12-21')); // Type: Date

Here, the KeyValueStore class instance is inferred to have generic <string, number>, and its makePair(), therefore, returns type [string, number]:

class KeyValueStore<Key, Value> {
#key: Key;
#value: Value;
constructor(key: Key, value: Value) {
this.#key = key;
this.#value = value;
makePair(): [Key, Value] {
return [this.#key, this.#value];
const store = new KeyValueStore('year', 2794);
const pair = store.makePair(); // Type: [string, number]

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