
Anonymous contributor's avatar
Anonymous contributor
Published Aug 23, 2021Updated Oct 8, 2021
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Interfaces are used to “shape” an object by describing a certain set of members and/or type annotations.


Interfaces may be declared by:

  1. Starting with the interface keyword.
  2. Giving the interface a name.
  3. Creating an object that contains a set of members and/or type annotations.
interface myType {
memberOne: string;
memberTwo: number;
let myVar: myType = {"My favorite number is ", 42 };

Dog Interface Example

In this example, the Dog interface declares fluffy and woof members. Any value declared to be of type Dog is therefore known to have those members:

interface Dog {
fluffy: boolean;
woof(): string;
function interactWithDog(dog: Dog) {
if (dog.fluffy) {
console.log('What a floof!');
// Error: Property 'bark' does not exist on type 'Dog'.

Members that do not exist in the interface, such as bark(), cannot be accessed and will throw a type error

Optional Members

Here, the Pet interface uses ? to set name as an optional member. The only member that is required is species. Declaring an object of type Pet doesn’t need a name but does need a species:

interface Pet {
name?: string;
species: string;
let anonymous: Pet = { // Ok
species: "Dog";
let named: Pet = {
name: "Emerald",
species: "Budgie",
let invalid: Pet = {
name: "My Rock",
// Error: Property 'species' is missing in type
// '{ name: string; }' but required in type 'Pet'.

Interface Extensions

Interfaces may be marked as extending another interface. Doing so indicates that the derived child interface (the interface extending others) includes all members from the base parent interfaces (the interface being extended).

To mark an interface as extending other(s), add the extends keyword after its name followed by any number of interfaces to extend, with , commas between interface names.

In this example, the Cat interface is given a .walk() method by being an extension of the Animal interface. However, instance of type Animal don’t have access to members and methods defined in the Cat interface:

interface Animal {
walk(): void;
interface Cat extends Animal {
fluffy: boolean;
purr(): string;
function workWithAnimals(animal: Animal, cat: Cat) {
animal.walk(); // Ok: defined on Animal
cat.walk(); // Ok: Cat extends Animal
if (cat.fluffy) {
// Ok: defined on Cat
cat.purr(); // Ok: defined on Cat
// Error: Property 'purr' does not exist on type 'Animal'.

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