Type Annotations

CodingMugen's avatar
Published Aug 23, 2021Updated Jun 23, 2023
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TypeScript uses type annotation to explicitly type things such as variables, functions, and classes.

For the most part, TypeScript does a good job at inferring types from the codebase at build-time. However, some constructs in TypeScript, such as variables without an initial value or members of interfaces, don’t have an initially inferable type. This is where type annotations can be really useful.


Type annotations consist of a : colon followed by the name of a type. They exist after the name of the construct they’re declaring the type for.

// Class and interface members
class myClass {
memberOne: string;
memberTwo: string;
interface myInterface {
memberOne: string;
memberTwo: number;
memberThree: boolean;
// Function Parameters
function myFunc(memberOne: string, memberTwo: string) {
// Function Returns
function myFunc(memberOne, memberTwo): string {
return memberOne + memberTwo;
// Variables
let myVar: string = "Hello, World!";

Type Annotations and Dates

In the following code snippet, the date variable doesn’t have an initial value, but with a Date type annotation. Later on, when date is assigned a value, it must receive a value of type Date. The first assignment of a new Date is the right type. However, the second assignment to a number, 10.31, is not:

let date: Date;
date = new Date('2021-10-31'); // Ok
date = 10.31;
// Error: type 'number' is not assignable to type 'Date'.

After TypeScript is Compiled

TypeScript type annotations don’t get compiled down to the output JavaScript, as they are a TypeScript syntax and not JavaScript. Removing comments from the above code would make it look roughly like this if run through the TypeScript compiler (tsc):

let date;
date = new Date('2021-10-31');
date = 10.31;

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