
BrandonDusch's avatar
Published Aug 23, 2021Updated Oct 8, 2021
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In TypeScript, besides being typed, variables are expected to follow the same rules and guidelines that they do with JavaScript.


TypeScript variables are generally inferred to be whatever basic type of value they are initially assigned with. Later in code, only values that are of that same basic type may be assigned to the variable. The term for whether a type is assignable to another type is assignability.

let myVar: string;
myVar = 'Hello'; // Ok
myVar = 'World!'; // Also Ok
myVar = 42; // Not Ok: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

Examples with Variables

In this snippet of code, TypeScript sees that the spooky variable is initially assigned a boolean value, so it believes the spooky variable should always be of type boolean. Assigning a variable of type boolean later on is allowed, as a type is assignable to itself:

let spooky = true;
spooky = false; // Ok

If a variable is assigned a different type of value, TypeScript will notice and emit a type checking complaint. Those type checking complaints can be surfaced as:

  • Errors on the command-line.
  • Syntax highlights in the code editor.

In this code snippet, the scary variable is initially assigned the value "skeletons", which is a string type. Later, assigning the decimal number 10.31 is not allowed because a number type is not assignable to a variable of type string:

let scary = 'skeletons';
scary = 10.31;
// Error: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'

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